Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Death Penalty

As we turn on radios and televisions, and even when we open the local newspaper today, we are bombarded with news of arrests, murders, homicides, and other such tragedies. There are many things I don’t agree with in today’s society but, out of the wrongdoing that takes place, I believe murder including the death penalty is the worst of them. This, however, has been, and will continue to be, an endless prolong controversy. The idea, whether or not to reintroduce the death penalty to New Zealand is preposterous. Look at this article it talks about the death penalty in New Zealand

The first reason why I do not support the death penalty is because it violates religious beliefs. Many religions such as Christianity follow the Ten Commandments. The one, yet, most important commandment states “Thou shall not Kill.” If you are executing an individual, that clearly violates this commandment. Murdering any person, no matter what the individual has been convicted of, is a moral sin. I believe that religious beliefs, such as the Ten Commandments, are the cornerstone for our law system. What are your beliefs? Check out other peoples comments about the death penalty.

Secondly, the death penalty was abolished in 1961 for a reason. They did not simply change it overnight. The Government knew our legal system was not perfect every time. So, the likelihood of an innocent individual being executed was apparent. One case in particular, was Walter Bolton; he was convicted for poisoning his wife. However, his death raised unusual questions. Apparently, very small amounts of arsenic had been located in Beatrice’s tea, which also happened to be located in their water supply. Even Bolton himself and his daughter had arsenic found in them. So, basically, long story short, Bolton was still found guilty even though the jury knew the arsenic was in Bolton’s house water supply.

Later on, an article in the newspaper claimed that Bolton’s execution had gone dreadfully wrong. Rather than having his neck broken the instant the trapdoor opened, Bolton, allegedly, slowly strangled to death. This case a long with others, formed, the operational arm of sociality to abolish, once in for all, the death penalty in New Zealand. To find out more about New Zealand's stand aganist other countries with the death penalty click here

Oh sure!!! "We always hear that many criminals are being let go out of jail due to the over crowded jail space, and so by getting rid of the criminal by the death penalty we would be able to create more space in the jails and so we won’t be letting criminals out as early."Okay fine; I can understand why some people may want the death penalty to decrease the amount people in jail. But, is there a difference between state killing and murder? The end result is the same; one more dead body, one more set of grieving parents, and one more cemetery plot.

Above all, the Government needs to inform themselves and the rest of the community so that together they can develop a policy to never reintroduce the death penalty. By telling the community what happen to Walter Bolton and many others. The community can make a sound decision to whether or not to reintroduce the death penalty to New Zealand.


  1. Hi Chris

    Can you provide the news link of Walter Bolton Case, coz i want to know what was happen?

  2. Hi

    Please add my new URL in your link list and please comment me on my new URL as my old one is not working

  3. This is a very hot topic!! In some ways I think they need to look at bringing this back in New Zealand, but i dont think that will happen because of its negitive history....

  4. Hi Chris
    Good blogging mate. Yes, I understand your concern about an innocent person may be sentenced to death for the wrong reason.
    But the supervision on the judges, the court processing, the jury and the whole justice system is also very important than whether or not having the death penalty is good or bad. This is not a black or white question.
    Fire is a great discovery for the human society, it enable us to evolve distinctively. But it can hurt people as well, many people died because of the fire, but human managed to handle it pretty well.

  5. Yes Chris I agree with you that death penality is not good. Because sometime people are innocent and they got impriosontment like you explained in Waltor Balton case.

    But Chris I personally think that government should give prisoner the Facilities like books, basket ball etc. but also government should give them punishment too like they can give them hard work to do (mining, cutting trees etc). In this way they can adopt the habit of hard work and they will they know how much hard work people do to make money and they easily rob their money for their clubing, food and drink.

  6. I am sure there will never be a complete solution/agreement to this issue- as there are so many different opinions on this- and those opinions will be very stong because its the matter of life and death...
    Personally, I agree with you, although I don't have any idea what else they could do to the criminals...

  7. I agree with what Sora said in that there will never be a complete solution / agreement with this issue. my opinion is that the death penalty is not good and can be biased but sometime some people just deserve it. but the NZ prizon system needs to shape itself up and be harsher with the criminals to make prizon a place that people hate,

  8. You said - "I believe that religious beliefs, such as the Ten Commandments, are the cornerstone for our law system."

    What do you mean by this? Are you stating that the NZ law system should abide and be based upon religious beliefs; the Ten Commandments, etc etc or are you saying that NZ laws already are?

    Because at face value - I completely and utterly disagree with your statement.
